Find a Registered Personal Support Worker (PSW)

How to Find a Registered Personal Support Worker (PSW)

NOTE: This service will be available following initial registration of PSWs with HSCPOA.

Search our online Public Register.  The register can be accessed by employers, other health care practitioners, and the public, to check a PSW’s registration status, current business location, and whether they are in good standing with HSCPOA.

Registration with HSCPOA is voluntary for Personal Support Workers (PSWs), at this time.

Being registered as a Personal Support Worker in Ontario demonstrates commitment to providing quality care and enhances recognition of the work PSWs do.

Those who are registered have:

  • Shown their ability to meet the educational requirements set out in regulation.
  • Pledged to provide support care services in accordance with HSCPOA’s Code of Ethics for PSWs.
  • Demonstrated to employers, colleagues, and recipients of supportive care services that as a PSW registrant, they have met newly established registration requirements including education and/or experience, and good character.

Only eligible PSWs registered with HSCPOA can proudly use/wear the HSCPOA PSW Registrant ‘visual mark’ provided by HSCPOA, easily recognized by colleagues, employers and recipients of PSW supportive care services.

Quick Links

  1. About HSCPOA

    The Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority (HSCPOA) has a mandate to register and provide oversight of personal support workers and other potential classes of registrants that may be prescribed by government in future regulations to be made under the new Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority Act, 2021. This new legislation implements a new regulatory approach for the oversight of individuals providing health and supportive care services, beginning with Personal Support Workers (PSWs) in Ontario.

  2. HSCPOA Visual Mark

    The Health and Supportive Care Oversight Authority (HSCPOA) is in the process of registering the following ‘Mark’ in accordance with intellectual property legislation.  HSCPOA will also be developing and publishing Standards for use of the Mark by individuals who are registered with HSCPOA in the coming months. 

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