Your Registration
Who Can Register
If you meet the registration requirements you can become a PSW registrant with the Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority (HSCPOA). As a PSW registrant, you are accountable to HSCPOA for safe, quality, and ethical care. This section outlines what registrants needs to know to maintain their registration in keeping with the HSCPOA laws and Code of Ethics.
HSCPOA Communications with PSW Registrants
HSCPOA communicates with registrants by email, sending information, guidance, and other updates and, in time, annual registration renewal. As a PSW registrant, it is your responsibility to make sure that HSCPOA has your current contact information, including an email address that you check regularly. Changes in contact information must be updated within 30 days of a change. If you use your work email address as your primary email address, please ensure that the organization you work for enables HSCPOA emails to get through any software or security filters.
Verification of Registration
PSWs registered with HSCPOA can request a Verification of Registration form to be sent to another regulatory body. HSCPOA will send a completed Verification of Registration form to regulatory bodies only. Employers and others can confirm registration through HSCPOA’s online Public Register of PSWs.
To request a Verification of Registration form to be sent to another regulatory body, please login to your HSCPOA Registrant Portal and fill in the Verification of Registration request form.