Recognition of Nurses and Midwives
You may be eligible for registration as a Personal Support Worker (PSW) with the Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority (HSCPOA) in Ontario if you are:
- an internationally educated nurse (IEN) or midwife (IEM),
- a current nurse or midwife registered with a regulatory body in Canada,
- a former nurse or midwife who was previously registered with a regulatory body in Canada, OR
- a recent graduate of a nursing or midwifery program in Canada.
This includes:
- IENs or IEMs who have completed their nursing and/or midwifery education and worked as a nurse and/or midwife in another country,
- IENs and IEMs who have completed their nursing or midwifery education but have not yet worked as a nurse or midwife in another country,
- Nurses and midwives who have completed their nursing education in Canada and currently or previously worked as a nurse or midwife and were registered with a nursing or midwifery regulatory body in Canada, AND
- Nurses and midwives who have completed their nursing or midwifery education in Canada but have not yet worked as a nurse or midwife or registered with a nursing or midwifery regulatory body in Canada.
For more information, refer to HSCPOA’s Recognition of Nurses and Midwives Policy
How to Apply
IENs, IEMs, and Canadian nurses and midwives recognized under the Recognition of Nurses and Midwives Policy will apply to HSCPOA through Path 4: Competency Assessment. Nurses and midwives recognized under this policy will be exempt from undergoing a substantial equivalence process as outlined in HSCPOA’s Competency Assessment Process Policy.
Documentation Requirements:
Nursing or midwifery education documentation as required in the Recognition of Nurses and Midwives Policy;
Proof of language proficiency, if required in the Language Proficiency Policy;
Government-issued Photo ID – a driver’s license, passport, or other government-issued photo identification (Canadian provincial health cards are not accepted);
Name change documentation, if applicable;
Headshot photo – for confirmation of identification;
Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check;
Letter of Standing – If you are currently or were previously registered with another profession or occupation inside or outside of Canada (excludes membership in a professional association).
View Instructional Video: HSCPOA’s Recognition of Nurses and Midwives – How To Apply
For more details, please refer to HSCPOA’s Application Guide for PSWs.